
Guatemala: First Trial for Systematic Violations of Indigenous Women

The English translation of this article originally appeared on Intercontinental Cry. Guatemala's recent history bears the mark of a 36 year long, painful internal armed conflict, during which the State systematically violated the rights of the Mayan population....

Statement from the Action Against ArborGen

Why we risked arrest and spent the day in jail to STOP GE Trees By Anne Petermann, Executive Director, Global Justice Ecology Project and Coordinator, International Campaign to STOP GE Trees Yesterday morning, Ruddy Turnstone and I were arrested in the small rural...

Activists Protest ArborGen GE Trees World Headquarters–2 Arrests

Activists Protest ArborGen GE Trees World Headquarters–2 Arrests

VIDEO--Protesters arrested for speaking up for quarter of a million petition signers who signed on to reject GE Trees in 2015 Ridgeville, SC (28 September 2015) — A plan by activists to inform Andrew Baum, President and CEO of ArborGen that over 250,000 people signed...

Declaration against REDD as World Forestry Congress continues

We, local communities, peasants movements, Indigenous Peoples and civil society organizations from Africa and all over the world, call upon the United Nations, the World Forestry Congress, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank and states to...

The Laws of Thermodynamics, GE Trees and the Threat of Human Extinction

One of the major driving forces for GE Tree development is their future use for bioenergy--either burned directly as biomass or digested for the production of liquid biofuels. Many argue this is the solution to our energy needs and will help replace fossil fuels. As...

‘Jurassic World,’ genetically engineered trees and ethics

Dr. Rachel Smolker, a steering committee member with the Campaign to STOP GE Trees, had a piece titled, "'Jurassic World' and the Dinosaurs at the USDA" published by Truth-Out.org this week. Smolker compares the genetically modified dinosaurs in the film to the...