Note: Brazil has approved 5 GE eucalyptus trees modified to resist glyphosate. This September 27, 2023 article by Jen Groundwater first appeared on the website of Watershed Sentinel. Canada is one of the world’s biggest producers of softwood lumber and in 2022...
Climate Justice

On International Women’s Day: A Look Back At Women’s Actions Against GE Trees In Brazil
Mar 6, 2020
GJEP has worked in solidarity with the MST in Brazil to stop the use of GE trees there since 2006. We strongly oppose Brazil’s outrageous decision in 2015 to legalize genetically engineered eucalyptus trees. Brazil’s irresponsible approval of this experimental tree...
Logging Affects Forests Ability to Regenerate in Canada
Dec 20, 2019
Long-term damage from logging hits ability of Canada's forests to regenerate The Guardian December 4, 2019 Leyland Cecco Canada’s logging industry has a larger and more damaging impact on forest health than previously thought, a new report has found, casting doubt on...

Breaking: Chile Cancels UN Climate COP Amidst Massive Popular Uprising
Oct 30, 2019
Chile was to be the perfect host for the UN Climate COP which has as its focus the expansion and further legitimization of market-based policies based on the neoliberal commodification of the earth, an expansion of industrial tree plantations as a “natural climate...
Árvores para resolver os problemas do mundo?
Jul 18, 2019
Desde as árvores transgênicas para a bioeconomia até a proposta de um trilhão de árvores e os Negócios para a Natureza Por Anne Petermann e Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este relatório examina os eventos e pesquisas divulgados ao longo de duas semanas,...
¿Árboles para resolver los problemas del mundo?
Jul 18, 2019
Desde los árboles transgénicos para la bioeconomía hasta la propuesta de un billón de árboles y los Negocios para la Naturaleza Por Anne Petermann y Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este informe examina los eventos e investigaciones publicadas a lo largo...

USDA’s New Disclosure Rule for Genetically Engineered Food Will Leave Many Consumers in the Dark
Jan 3, 2019
USDA’s New Disclosure Rule for Genetically Engineered Food Will Leave Many Consumers in the Dark Information Will be Hard to Access, Rule Omits Many Genetically Engineered Foods WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new disclosure rule issued today by the U.S. Department of...

New data reveals shocking scale of planned forest biomass industry growth
Nov 29, 2018
New data reveals shocking scale of planned forest biomass industry growth Threat map report shows biomass industry set to increase 250% in next decade - threatening both the fight against climate change and forests globally. There is a new and growing threat to the...

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon Hits 10 Year High
Nov 28, 2018
Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon Hits 10 Year High Via REDD-MONITOR.ORG: Data released by the Brazilian government last week reveals that deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon has reached its highest rate since 2008. In the period August 2017 to July 2018, an...
Genetically Engineered American Chestnut Tree Called ‘Trojan Horse’ Aimed at Opening Door to Commercialize GE Trees
Nov 15, 2018
Genetically Engineered American Chestnut Tree Called ‘Trojan Horse’ Aimed at Opening Door to Commercialize GE Trees Opponents accuse researchers of seeking USDA approval for "iconic" GE American chestnut trees to evade widespread opposition to genetic...