Desde as árvores transgênicas para a bioeconomia até a proposta de um trilhão de árvores e os Negócios para a Natureza Por Anne Petermann e Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este relatório examina os eventos e pesquisas divulgados ao longo de duas semanas,...
Raleigh Blog 2019
¿Árboles para resolver los problemas del mundo?
Jul 18, 2019
Desde los árboles transgénicos para la bioeconomía hasta la propuesta de un billón de árboles y los Negocios para la Naturaleza Por Anne Petermann y Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este informe examina los eventos e investigaciones publicadas a lo largo...

Trees, GE Trees and Nature to Save Capitalism from Itself: new report out
Jul 18, 2019
Raleigh exhibit depicts gasoline from genetically engineered trees. photo: Langelle/GJEP Trees to Solve the World’s Problems? From Genetically Engineered Trees for the Bioeconomy - to the Trillion Tree Proposal and Business for Nature Traducción al Español Tradução...

Video: Genetically Engineering Trees to Grow More Densely–Social & Ecological Impacts
Jul 1, 2019
To find the subtitles, click the settings gear icon on the bottom right corner of the video and select "subtitles". Desplácese hacia abajo para Español Role para baixo para o Português Global Justice Ecology Project and the Campaign to STOP GE Trees attended the...

Advisory: International Tree Biotechnology Conference ending in Disarray
Jun 28, 2019
Caption: Scientists, foresters, organizers and others from around the world protest GE trees at the European Union in Brussels in 2015. CORRECTION: Due to the US Fourth of July holiday, the detailed analysis of the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference will not be...
Conferência Internacional de Biotecnologia das Árvores termina em incerteza
Jun 28, 2019
COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA 28 de Junho de 2019 Conferência Internacional de Biotecnologia das Árvores termina em incerteza Raleigh, Carolina do Norte (E.U.A.) – A Conferência Internacional de Biotecnologia das Árvores que celebra bienalmente a União...
Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles termina en incertidumbre
Jun 28, 2019
NOTA DE PRENSA 28 de junio de 2019 Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles termina en incertidumbre Raleigh, Carolina del Norte (E.U.A.) – La Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles que celebra bienalmente La Unión...

Earth Radio: Reports from Tree Biotech Conference and Threats from CRISPR & GE Trees
Jun 27, 2019
Earth Watch 25 June 2019 This week's Earth Watch on the Sojourner Truth show on KPFK Pacifica Los Angeles features Campaign to STOP GE Trees Coordinator Anne Petermann reporting from the 2019 international IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference in Raleigh, NC. Petermann...

Post #2: IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2019: Brought to you by the makers of CRISPR!
Jun 24, 2019
The CRISPR Craze? Or CRISPR Crazed? 24 June, 2019 by Anne Petermann “Should we really be manipulating the heredity of future generations given our lack of knowledge about so many things.” “Humans are very good at inventing things, but they are very, very bad at...

Blog Post #1: 2019 IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference Gets Underwhelmingly Underway
Jun 24, 2019
And now to Raleigh... 24 June 2019; by Anne Petermann The opening of the 2019 IUFRO Tree Biotechnology conference was a bizzare mix. It was part plea for help, part slick advertising campaign, part comedy routine and part old home reminiscing. The evening was emceed...