Chile Campaign
Forests and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights
Latest News

Video: Mapuche & others in Chile tell COP25 – No market-based “solutions”!
Over 23-30 November, Global Justice Ecology Project and Biofuelwatch filmed this series of short statements opposing neoliberal market-based climate schemes and so-called "green energies" that enable business as usual at the expense of the peoples, rivers, forests and...

Breaking: Chile Cancels UN Climate COP Amidst Massive Popular Uprising
Chile was to be the perfect host for the UN Climate COP which has as its focus the expansion and further legitimization of market-based policies based on the neoliberal commodification of the earth, an expansion of industrial tree plantations as a “natural climate...
Una campaña global evidencia el rechazo mundial a los árboles transgénicos mientras se celebra la Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles en Carolina del Norte
Para difusión inmediata 20 de Junio de 2019 Una campaña global evidencia el rechazo mundial a los árboles transgénicos mientras se celebra la Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles en Carolina del Norte Los...

Research Determines Reasons for Massive Fires in South-Central Chile
Research determines reasons for massive fires in south-central Chile The Campaign to STOP GE Trees and Global Justice Ecology Project has worked to expose the dangers of monoculture tree plantations in Chile. See our Chile Blog here. PHYS.ORG: A Montana State...

Chile: Mega Forest Fires, Corporate Crime and Impunity
Chile: Mega Forest Fires, Corporate Crime and Impunity Tree plantation companies have enormous power and impunity in Chile. The fires of 2017 demonstrated the collusion between these companies and public officials to prevent investigations and criminalize the...

What’s Driving Tree Plantation Expansion in Latin America, Africa and Asia?
Originally published by World Rainforest Movement Years before governments adopted the Paris Agreement, international initiatives promising millions of hectares of reforestation and forest restoration were launched, supposedly to benefit the environment and...