Tree Plantations and Industrial Forestry

New York Times: The first GE Trees have been planted in a U.S. Forest

New York Times: The first GE Trees have been planted in a U.S. Forest

New York Times: For the First Time, Genetically Modified Trees Have Been Planted in a U.S. Forest Summary of Article: On Monday February 13, 2023, nearly 5,000 GE trees were planted in a U.S. Forest. The modified poplars, planted in Georgia on private land, were...

Wrench in the Gears discusses the Roots of the GE Chestnut Tree

Wrench in the Gears discusses the Roots of the GE Chestnut Tree

Seeing the Forest Through the Transgenic Trees – Guest Post By Ben Note: Thanks to Ben for forwarding this article that takes a deep dive into the issues and forces behind the promotion of the genetically engineered American chestnut. Anyone interested to know how...

Science Says Burning Trees Is A False Climate Solution

Science Says Burning Trees Is A False Climate Solution

Photo: Logging devastation in Mapuche Territory (Chile). Langelle/GJEP GE trees are being heavily promoted as a false climate solution. Genetically engineered trees are being developed for use in biomass plantations to be burned for electricity.  Other GE trees are...

Commercial Timber Industry Under Fire

Commercial Timber Industry Under Fire

Eucalyptus plantations in South Africa are nicknamed "green cancer" because the spread uncontrollably and destroy everything they touch. South Africa is one of the countries looking into the possibility of GE tree plantations in the future. (2003) Photo:...

Monsanto Knew Dicamba Would Cause Damage

Monsanto Knew Dicamba Would Cause Damage

We cannot be surprised that capitalism has failed to keep people safe in the face of a global pandemic , when large corporations like Monsanto are allowed to ignore public safety, as with the government approving this dangerous pesticide despite Monsanto knowing its...

New York Times: The first GE Trees have been planted in a U.S. Forest

What Could Be Wrong About Planting Trees?

What could be wrong about planting trees? The new push for more industrial tree plantations in the Global South World Rainforest Movement 23 March 2020 What could be wrong about planting trees? Haven’t communities around the world been planting a diversity of trees...