Topic: Resisting Land Grabs for Eucalyptus Plantations in Brazil

Webinar Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023

Interpretation: English, French and Portuguese.

Register: Click here for more information and to register.

Event Details: The National Farmers Union in Canada (NFU) is hosting an online event to hear from Quilombola community leaders in the Atlantic Forest biozone of Brazil who are fighting to grow food for their families and communities in direct resistance to the expansion of destructive eucalyptus tree plantations controlled by the major pulp company Suzano.


  • Célio Pinheiro Leocádio, Coordinator of the Quilombola Movements and Articulation of the Far South of Bahia and President of the Association of Remaining Quilombola Producers of Volta Miúda – Caravelas.
  • Diosmar Filho, PhD candidate in Geography at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Brazil and researcher and scientific coordinator of the Iyaleta Research Association


The webinar is available to watch:



Note: In May and June of 2023 Quilombola community members from Espirito Santo and Bahía joined the International Campaign to STOP GE Trees in Vitoria, Brazil for a meeting to discuss the threats and impacts from existing industrial eucalyptus plantations near their territories, and the potential impacts of proposed use of eucalyptus trees genetically engineered to tolerate the toxic herbicide glyphosate. Photo: Langelle/GJEP