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Indigenous Environmental Network Urges Ban of Genetically Modified Trees
and the Commercialization of Nature
at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
New York – Today, the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) said the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues should urge “Indigenous Peoples, states and the United Nations to ban genetically modified trees and their wood products given the risks they pose to the world’s trees, forests, biodiversity and Indigenous Peoples.”
IEN also urged “the International Monetary Fund, the United Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNDP and UNEP to ban the use of living beings including but not limited to whales, fish, elephants, lions, tigers, bears and buffalo for carbon markets and biodiversity offsets.”
Clair Charlo, a representative from Indigenous Environmental Network read the statement. “There are attempts to commercialize nature to take over Mother Earth. The continued onslaught of violence against Mother Earth and Father Sky must stop,” Claro also stated that the Earth is not for sale.
“The proposal by IEN is extremely significant because it counters the false narrative that projects such as the Genetically Engineered American Chestnut Tree enjoys support from Indigenous Peoples in general, and focuses on the very real threat that GE trees pose to our natural world and Indigenous Peoples,” said Anne Peterman, Executive Director of Global Justice Ecology Project. GJEP is the northern hemisphere coordination hub of the STOP GE Trees Campaign.