The following trailer and the full video are in Portuguesewith Spanish spoken translation and English subtitles

El preestreno y el video completo están en Portugués, con traducción en vivo al Español, y con subtítulos en Inglés

A pré-estreia e o vídeo completo estão em Portuguêscom tradução simultânea em espanhol e legendas em inglês.

Filmed in Temuco, March 2017.

The trailer and the full video are in Portuguese, with Spanish spoken translation and English subtitles

This video is an interview with an MST militant, Eliane Oliveira, that we conducted in March during a delegation of the Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees in Chile.

We were there investigating the social and ecological impacts of industrial timber plantations on people, water, wildfires and ecosystems, as well as the potential for GE tree plantations to worsen these already severe impacts.

We brought Eliane Oliveira and two other organizers from Brazil to speak with the Indigenous Mapuche and other rural communities in Chile about the campaigns waged against eucalyptus plantations and GE trees in Brazil and the overlaps with the struggles against tree plantations in Chile. Eliane spoke about the MST campaign that is taking back land from the plantations to give to landless peasants in Brazil.

This interview emerged from that delegation and those conversations.

You can find the trailer for the video here and the full 14 minute interview here.

Please share this with your networks.

Full Video (Facebook version of interview at bottom of this post): 

En Espanol: 

Le estamos mandando este enlace para que pueda ver un preestreno de un cortometraje que hicimos recientemente acerca de la lucha de los MST en Brasil (Movimiento de Trabajadores Sin Tierra) contra el avance de las plantaciones de eucalipto industrial en el país.

El preestreno y el video completo están en Portugués, con traducción en vivo al Español, y con subtítulos en Inglés

El video es una entrevista con una militante de MST, Eliane Oliveira, conducida en Marzo durante una delegación de la Campaña para DETENER Arboles Genéticamente Modificados (GM) en Chile. 

Estábamos ahí investigando los impactos sociales y ambientales de las plantaciones de la industria de madera a las personas, el agua, los incendios forestales, y los ecosistemas, igual como la capacidad de que las plantaciones de árboles GM empeoran estos síntomas ya considerados extremos.  

Le pedimos a Eliane Oliveira y dos organizadoras de Brasil que hablaran con comunidades indígenas Mapuche y otras comunidades rurales de Chile acerca de la campaña contra las plantaciones de eucalipto y árboles GM en Brasil, a la misma vez notando las similitudes con la lucha contra plantaciones de árboles en Chile. Eliane habló acerca de la campaña de los MST que está retomando tierra de las plantaciones para dárselo a los campesinos sin tierra en Brasil.

Esta entrevista surgió de la delegación y de esas conversaciones.

Además, la militante de MST, Eliane Oliveira es profesora de agroecología.

Usted puede encontrar el preestreno del video aquí y la entrevista completa de 14 minutos aquí.

Por favor compártenlo con sus redes.

Em Portugêus:

Estamos te enviando o link da pré-estreia do curta-metragem feito recentemente sobre a luta do MST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra) contra o avanço das plantações de eucalipto no Brasil.

A pré-estreia e o vídeo completo estão em Português, com tradução simultânea em espanhol e legendas em inglês.

O vídeo se trata de uma entrevista com a militante do MST, Eliane Oliveira, realizada em março deste ano durante a visita da delegação da campanha Pare as Árvores Transgênicas no Chile.

Estivemos em terras chilenas para ver de perto os impactos sociais e ambientais das plantações da indústria madeireira na população, na água, nos ecossistemas e também a situação dos incêndios florestais. Além disso, tivemos a oportunidade de discutir e compreender os potenciais pioramentos que as plantações de árvores Transgênicas podem gerar a esses impactos já considerados extremos.

Convidamos a Eliane Oliveira, uma pesquisadora e um jornalista do Brasil para conversar e apresentar à indígenas Mapuche e a outras comunidades rurais do Chile a campanha contra as plantações de eucalipto e árvores transgênicas em seu país. Nessa oportunidade a delegação brasileira também pôde observar e analisar as semelhanças entre a lutas do Brasil e do Chile contra a monocultura do eucalipto.

O vídeo que apresentamos é produto da experiência dessa delegação. Nele Eliane conta sobre a luta do MST e como este vem conseguindo retomar terras das empresas florestais e repassa-las aos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra do Brasil.

Eliane Oliveira, além de mulher militante do MST, ensina agroecologia em um dos acampamentos do movimento.

Você pode encontrar a pré-estreia de vídeo aqui e a entrevista completa de 14 minutos aqui.

English Transcript:

A delegation of the Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees traveled to Chile to investigate the impacts of large-scale tree plantations on Indigenous Peoples and rural communities, as well as the potential for GE trees to worsen these impacts.

This is an interview with Eliane Oliveira, a militant with the MST, (Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement) on the MST fight against tree plantations and their struggle for land, social equality, food sovereignty and quality rural education in Brazil.

My name is Eliana Oliveira, militant of the “Landless Workers Movement” (MST) in Brazil. I am here in Chile sent by my organization to meet other organizations with the same objectives for 10 days. These objectives are to support native forests and oppose tree plantations, especially genetically engineered tree plantations.

In Bahia, especially in Southernmost Bahia where I live, there are three cellulose companies with large eucalyptus tree plantations which are: Suzano, Veracel and Fibria.

For decades those trees plantations have been impacting the environment of the region. Also, most of the lands of this region are in the hands of multinational companies.

Because of that, the MST in this region mainly since 2005, has had great confrontations against those companies such as occupying their lands and cutting the eucalyptus, trees with a few objectives.

The first objective is: We want to make the government, well as there is no agrarian reform in Brazil, the confrontations are the only tactic that we, the MST, have to expose to the government the need of land for workers.

Another objective is to show to society that the environmental impacts have been massive. We are going through serious water problems. Rural settlements, communities and small farms do not have water to farm.

Through confronting and occupying the lands of those companies, entering and cutting the eucalyptus trees, the society looks and asks why. “Why are they cutting the eucalyptus trees?”

We are cutting it because we need land for production, considering that when we were in the countryside the companies bought the lands we were working in. Today we want this land back to work.

There is a very serious problem which is that some of those lands do not have land titles and we asked the companies and the government why don’t the companies have that documentation even though their tree plantations are still there.

Since 2010, we, landless peasant women have come to a decision. During march, the month in which women celebrate our day, we celebrate it in a different way. We reunite all women of the MST of this region, which are approximately 1000, 1200 or even more women and we celebrate this by cutting the eucalyptus trees in our region.

We take these moments to make grievances to the Câmara de Vereadores (Legislators’ Chamber), to the universities and we protest in the streets of the surrounding cities (where the companies are). We denounce the impacts, the reasons why the workers do not have land to farm, why rivers are drying, why can´t the government see it, why don’t we have the rights and the companies that come from other countries can do everything they want.

And in this way we continue this fight. We don’t want to dialogue with the companies, but expose to the government that this problem must be solved. The government needs to dialogue with the companies and solve the environmental impacts and the agrarian reform problem, since in this region we have more the 7000 people, families camped looking for a piece of land to work.

The reason why I came to Chile makes me think that we live similar realities. For us of the MST, The Mapuche people, are a great reference of fight, perseverance and confrontation. But I realized that here they have not been able to do large confrontations against the forest companies yet, as we have been doing in Brazil.

To finish, I would like to say that in Brazil we are recently living a political coup.

Today we can affirm that we have 17 political prisoners of the MST in Brazil.

And we are suffering from great confrontations with the police against us and we know they want to make us stop.

But our fight is nothing more than fair. We fight for land, social equality, food sovereignty and for quality rural education.

As of the publishing of this film, there are 18 political prisoners. An additional 11 rural workers have been massacred in an ongoing wave of repression over the land.

To support the MST political prisoners visit:





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