
Synthetic Forests features interviews with leading scientists and activists who share their insights and experience on the negative effects genetically engineered trees can have to communities, ecosystems and indigenous peoples.

Corporations in the US and Brazil have requested government authorization to release hundreds of millions of genetically engineered eucalyptus trees for fuel and pulp. We have recently learned that the GE Loblolly Pine and Arctic Apple have been approved by the USDA, so the time to act is now!

The Campaign to Stop GE Trees hosts these interview segments from Synthetic Forests on our YouTube page. Please share these clips to help spread the word about GE trees, and watch the entire documentary here.

Scientists, experts and concerned citizens of the planet speak about the dangers of genetically engineered trees.

Dr. David Suzuki questions the endless rush to promote genetically engineered trees without regard for the consequences.

Winnie Overbeek, Executive Secretary of the World Rainforest Movement, on GMO biology’s interference with natural order. 

Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director for the Center For Food Safety, describes a grim possibility for the world’s forests that could become a reality.

Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, on indigenous peoples’ perspective on Genetically Engineered trees.

Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher on the threat to neighboring lands, communities and countries caused by GE trees.

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