
Claims of Successful Genetically Engineered Tree Sterility Overblown

Claims of Successful Genetically Engineered Tree Sterility Overblown

Claims of Successful Genetically Engineered Tree Sterility Overblown FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  08/08/2018 Claims of Successful Genetically Engineered Tree Sterility Overblown Long-term risks and threats of GE trees remain unanswered Joint Statement from: Global Justice...

Tree Biotech Conference Disrupted Amidst Week of Protest

Tree Biotech Conference Disrupted Amidst Week of Protest

For Immediate Release 7 June 2017 Concepción, Chile - Today the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) 2017 Tree Biotechnology Conference was forced to cancel its field trip to the University of Concepción's Center for Biotechnology amidst...

Spread of GE Bentgrass Shows Potential Invasiveness of GE Trees

Spread of GE Bentgrass Shows Potential Invasiveness of GE Trees

Scott's creeping bentgrass is genetically engineered to withstand applications of Monsanto's Roundup. GE bentgrass escaped from test trials in Oregon in 2003 and are still uncontained after years of eradication efforts. The USDA is considering deregulating creeping...

Asunción Declaration Rejects GE Trees:  The Global Movement Grows

Asunción Declaration Rejects GE Trees: The Global Movement Grows

A Resounding NO to GE Trees Declaración de Asunción Rechazo a todos los Árboles Genéticamente: Un NO Rotundo a los Árboles GM (PDF) Declaração de Asunción rejeita todas as árvores geneticamente modificadas: Um esmagador NÃO às árvores transgênicas (PDF) We,...

Welcome to the STOP GE Trees Indigenous People & Forests Blog

Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees will increase the damages caused by deforestation to indigenous people and their way of life. Here at the STOP GE Trees Indigenous People & Forests Blog, we will share news and reports of the struggles already faced by people who...

The GE Chestnut tree fiasco: New article feature in Earth Island Journal

The GE Chestnut tree fiasco: New article feature in Earth Island Journal

GJEP Executive Director Anne Petermann has a new article in Earth Island Journal called “The Darling 58 Debacle”. It details the disaster of the defective D54/58 genetically engineered American chestnut tree submitted to the USDA for unregulated release into forests....