Industrial Tree Plantations

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One Trillion Trees To Solve The World’s Problems?
One Trillion Trees To Solve The World’s Problems?

Rodolphe Barrangou reveals the nightmare of his CRISPR world. photo: Langelle/GJEP Trees to Solve the World’s Problems? From Genetically Engineered Trees for the Bioeconomy – to the Trillion Tree Proposal and Business for Nature Traducción al Español Tradução para o...

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Scientists Claim to Engineer Pollution-Free Poplar Tree
Scientists Claim to Engineer Pollution-Free Poplar Tree

GE Trees Protest in Myrtle Beach. Photo: GJEP (2016) Poplar plantations are known to emit a chemical called isoprene that contributes to air pollution. Researchers claim they have genetically engineered a new poplar tree that eliminates isoprene production, but offer...

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Logging Affects Forests Ability to Regenerate in Canada

Long-term damage from logging hits ability of Canada's forests to regenerate The Guardian December 4, 2019 Leyland Cecco Canada’s logging industry has a larger and more damaging impact on forest health than previously thought, a new report has found, casting doubt on...

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