GE Trees News

They’re Back: Int’l Tree Biotech Conference is in the U.S. Again

Langelle Photography Photo of the Month 24 June 2019 Previous International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Tree Biotechnology Conferences have been the target of opposition. Major protests were held against the 2013 IUFRO Tree...

A Conferência Internacional de Biotecnologia das Árvores na Carolina do Norte será confrontada por organições opositoras de quatro continentes

Publicação imediata                                                                                       20 de junho de 2019 A Conferência Internacional de Biotecnologia das Árvores na Carolina do Norte será confrontada por organizações opositoras de quatro...

Una campaña global evidencia el rechazo mundial a los árboles transgénicos mientras se celebra la Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles en Carolina del Norte

Para difusión inmediata                                       20 de Junio de 2019 Una campaña global evidencia el rechazo mundial a los árboles transgénicos mientras se celebra la Conferencia Internacional de Biotecnología de los Árboles en Carolina del Norte Los...

Lucy Sharratt of CBAN on GMO Contamination Threats

13 June 2019–This week's Earth Minute interviews Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of CBAN and member of the Steering Committee of the Campaign to STOP GE Trees who discusses documented cases of GMO crop contamination and escape, as well as the contamination threats posed by...

The Ecologist Runs Article on Risks of GE American Chestnut Trees

The Ecologist Runs Article on Risks of GE American Chestnut Trees

This article was the Editor's pick in The Ecologist. Tree biotech and the American chestnut The American chestnut is being used as a PR tool for winning over public opinion on the use of biotechnology as a 'tool of conservation'. The Ecologist  By Rachel Smolker &...

NEW: Risks of GE American Chestnut in Independent Science News

NEW: Risks of GE American Chestnut in Independent Science News

The GE American Chestnut – Restoration of a Beloved Species or Trojan Horse for Tree Biotechnology? Independent Science News, 11 June 2019: by Rachel Smolker, Ph.D. (Biofuelwatch) and Anne Petermann (Global Justice Ecology Project) About a century ago the American...