CRISPR and Other Emerging Technologies

Yet more problems with CRISPR – with consequences for food safety

GMWatch 22 February 2020 Things go wrong "more often than you would think" – scientist commenting on unwanted duplications of genetic insertions Adding to the list of problems that can occur with CRISPR, a new study shows that when the CRISPR/Cas system was used in an...

Another Major Unintended Effect From CRISPR

Another Major Unintended Effect From CRISPR

Photo: GM Watch GM Watch 11 January 2020 Claire Robinson A new study reveals yet another major unintended effect from the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool – with potentially serious implications for the food safety of gene-edited plants. The study found that CRISPR-Cas9...

CRISPR Inventor Calls for Regulation

"CRISPR Cas9" by National Institutes of Health (NIH) is licensed under CC PDM 1.0 One of CRISPR’s inventors has called for controls on gene-editing technology MIT Technology Review November 15, 2019 Antonio Regalado Jennifer Doudna says governments need to pay more...

Árvores para resolver os problemas do mundo?

Desde as árvores transgênicas para a bioeconomia até a proposta de um trilhão de árvores e os Negócios para a Natureza Por Anne Petermann e Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este relatório examina os eventos e pesquisas divulgados ao longo de duas semanas,...

¿Árboles para resolver los problemas del mundo?

Desde los árboles transgénicos para la bioeconomía hasta la propuesta de un billón de árboles y los Negocios para la Naturaleza Por Anne Petermann y Orin Langelle, Global Justice Ecology Project Este informe examina los eventos e investigaciones publicadas a lo largo...