
Industrial Tree Plantations Invading Eastern and Southern Africa

Industrial Tree Plantations Invading Eastern and Southern Africa

Via World Rainforest Movement: In the context of emerging global trends in respect of escalating climate change, growing economic disparity, and increasing land degradation, including the loss of biodiversity and water resources, this joint briefing focuses on various...

USDA Approves ‘Unnecessary’ Non-Browning GMO Apple reports that "The national nightmare of apples turning slightly brown is coming to an end: The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave commercial approval last week to the Arctic Fuji, a genetically modified apple that appears no different than its natural...

Asunción Declaration Rejects GE Trees:  The Global Movement Grows

Asunción Declaration Rejects GE Trees: The Global Movement Grows

A Resounding NO to GE Trees Declaración de Asunción Rechazo a todos los Árboles Genéticamente: Un NO Rotundo a los Árboles GM (PDF) Declaração de Asunción rejeita todas as árvores geneticamente modificadas: Um esmagador NÃO às árvores transgênicas (PDF) We,...